South Africa’s latest R&D figures were slipped into the public domain last week, with none of the fanfare of previous years. It is easy to understand why. Science and technology minister Naledi Pandor has been pushing increased investment in research and development, and these figures seem to show that no one is listening.
The hopeful possibility is that it is taking time for the effects of interventions — like the R&D tax incentive and the IP legislation — to be felt.
Here are the top 10 things you need to know about the latest National Survey of Research and Experimental Development.
1/10 Once again, percentage of GDP spent on R&D was 0.73%. ANC gov is targeting 1.5% by 2019, seems like a pipe dream. #SARD @dstgovza
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) May 26, 2016
2/10 The total amount spent on R&D = R25.7bn, (based on 2013-14 ZAR value) #SAR&D @dstgovza
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) May 26, 2016
3/10 For the 2nd year in a row, govt spent more on R&D than business. This is NB because usually it is the other way around. #SARD @dstgovza
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) May 26, 2016
4/10 Govt accounted for 43% of R&D spend, business = 41% (rounded-off) #SARD @dstgovza
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) May 26, 2016
5/10 That said, govt spend includes higher education & science councils. Business is still the largest /performer/ of R&D #SARD @dstgovza
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) May 26, 2016
6/10 The good news: although govt $> business, business’ spend saw +ve y-o-y change. This is the 1st time since 2008-9. #SARD @dstgovza
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) May 26, 2016
7/10 Also good news: the number of researchers increased 6% from 64,917 in 2012-13 to 68,838 in 2013-14. #SARD @dstgovza
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) May 26, 2016
8/10 Higher education is the main employer of researchers at 67% (45,935) #SARD @dstgovza
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) May 26, 2016
9/10 Foreign funding is up: R3.31bn in 2013-14, compared to R3.12bn in 2012-13 (but still lower than R3.33bn in 2011/12) #SARD @dstgovza
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) May 26, 2016
10/10 Bottom line: SA desperately needs more R&D funding (which is linked to economic dev and job creation). #SARD @dstgovza
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) May 26, 2016
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