To save you having to watch Parliament TV when no one is toyi-toying, or reading the minister’s 17-page speech, here are my top 10 things to take away from this year’s science and technology budget vote.
#1 @SKA_Africa has supported 730 students and researchers, from undergrads to postdocs since 2005 #DSTBV2016 #SAscience
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) April 19, 2016
#2 In 2016, @dstgovza will invest R741-million supporting 14,500 postgrad students (67% black, 57% women) #DSTBV2016 #SAscience
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) April 19, 2016
#3 National Integrated Cyber Infrastructure System gets R273m. If you’re at a uni in SA, you get internet coz of them #DSTBV2016 #SAscience
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) April 19, 2016
#4 Ketlaphela (state-owned pharma) will provide ARVs from the beginning of 2017 #DSTBV2016 #SAscience (Bit suspicious of this one, though.)
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) April 19, 2016
#5 The Aerosud- @CSIR folk got a new laser. They’re at the forefront of additive manufacturing in SA and need hightech #DSTBV2016 #SAscience
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) April 19, 2016
#6 Impala Platinum is converting its 33 forklifts to hydrogen fuel cell prototypes developed by HySA #DSTBV2016 #SAscience
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) April 19, 2016
#7 Since 2011, more than 1k IP disclosures from SA institutions, 71% relate to interventions for patent protection #DSTBV2016 #SAscience
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) April 19, 2016
#8 61 of those 1k disclosures have been licensed, w R4.4-million accruing to the institutions. #DSTBV2016 #SAscience (It’s a start.)
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) April 19, 2016
#9 Among BRICS, SA highest rated for % of sci papers co-published with int authors. #DSTBV2016 #SAscience
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) April 19, 2016
#10 isn’t positive. @dstgovza budget stagnant, chocking SA’s ability to spend 1.5% of GDP on R&D, esp considering ZAR. #DSTBV2016 #SAscience
— Sarah Wild (@sarahemilywild) April 19, 2016
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